Mental Health in the Workplace Instructor Level 3 (VTQ)

63 videos, 2 hours and 51 minutes

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The employer assistance program

Video 45 of 63
2 min 43 sec
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Employer Assistance Programme (EAP): Benefits and Operation

Overview of EAP

What is an Employer Assistance Programme (EAP)?

An EAP involves employers purchasing counselling services for their employees from external providers:

  • Services are confidential and typically offer up to six counselling sessions.
  • Counselling helps employees manage personal issues affecting their work life.
  • Support includes coping strategies, adjusting work hours, and guidance on communication with HR or managers.

Implementation and Practicality

How does an EAP work?

Employers can either enrol in EAPs as needed or as a proactive measure:

  • Pre-enrolling ensures immediate support availability for employees in crisis.
  • HR departments manage the implementation, ensuring confidentiality and effective support delivery.

Benefits to Employers

Why should employers consider EAPs?

Benefits to employers include:

  • Increased employee engagement and job satisfaction.
  • Reduced absenteeism due to better mental health support.
  • Enhanced workplace support and team cohesion through shared experiences.