Empathy and Sympathy
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Understanding Empathy vs Sympathy - Samaritans' Perspective
Empathy in Supporting Others
Empathy defined:
At Samaritans, we emphasise empathy over sympathy in our approach to supporting individuals:
- We listen attentively and seek to understand the person's experiences.
- Our role is to empathise with their feelings and perspectives.
- We create a safe space for them to share their thoughts and emotions.
- Empathy allows us to connect without assuming we fully understand their pain.
The Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy
Key distinctions:
- Empathy: Involves listening and seeking to understand without assuming shared experiences.
- Sympathy: Involves acknowledging another's feelings based on shared experiences or understanding.
Our volunteers provide empathic support by encouraging dialogue and offering a listening ear, ensuring individuals feel heard and supported during their time of need.