Mental Health in the Workplace Instructor Level 3 (VTQ)

63 videos, 2 hours and 51 minutes

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Signposting examples

Video 50 of 63
3 min 17 sec
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Signposting Organizations for Mental Health Support


Here are some recommended organizations that provide support for various mental health issues. These resources can be accessed through the links provided in the student resources section.

Organizations Offering Support

No Panic

No Panic offers support for panic attacks and OCD, including courses and a telephone helpline. Visit for more information.

OCD Action

OCD Action provides support and information on treatment for OCD. Explore their resources at


OCD UK is a charity run by and for people with OCD, offering facts, news, and treatment options. Visit their website at

The Samaritans

The Samaritans offer confidential emotional support for individuals in distress. Visit for more details.

Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink Mental Illness provides expert advice and support for mental health issues. Find out more at

Mates in Mind

Mates in Mind promotes positive mental health in the construction industry. Learn about their programs at


SANEline offers national mental health helpline services. Visit for additional information.

Combat Stress

Combat Stress specializes in helping ex-service men and women with mental health issues. Explore their services at

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis provides support for women and girls who have experienced abuse and sexual assault. Visit for more details.

Victim Support

Victim Support offers support and information to victims and witnesses of crime. Find resources at

Comprehensive List of Organizations

A comprehensive list of organizations offering advice and guidance for various mental health issues is available for download from the resources section of this course.