Mental Health in the Workplace Instructor Level 3 (VTQ)

63 videos, 2 hours and 51 minutes

Course Content

Could you be a samaritan?

Video 61 of 63
1 min 58 sec
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Becoming a Samaritan: Training and Roles

Strict Training and Selection Process

Rigorous Selection Criteria

Many people aspire to become Samaritans, believing they have the necessary skills. However, the training and selection process is rigorous.

We seek individuals who are empathetic, non-judgmental, and capable of listening to distressing and harrowing stories without carrying them home.

Role of Samaritans

Supportive Listening Role

As Samaritans, we are ordinary people committed to listening without judgement. We do not wear capes; we simply stand ready to support.

Joining Samaritans isn't about finding answers to personal problems but about being receptive and supportive.

Personal Experience and Rewards

Challenging yet Rewarding Experience

Having served as a Samaritan for 6 years, I've found it both challenging and deeply rewarding. It involves listening to a range of experiences, from humorous to heart-wrenching.

Joining Samaritans

How to Join

To become a Samaritan, visit our branch online, fill out an application, and proceed to an interview. There are diverse roles available beyond listening, including support and fundraising.

Even roles like replenishing the biscuit barrel contribute significantly to our mission.